+91 85869 76403

+91 85869 76403
+91 85869 76403
We are leading Manufacturer & Exporter of Kirschner Wire With Trocar Tip. We are exporting Kirschner Wire With Trocar Tip to various countries like Mexico, South Africa, Mozambique, Sudan, Senegal, Namibia, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya etc.
Category Name | Misc. Nails, Wires & Pins |
Raw Material Used | SS 316L & Titanium |
Diameter | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length | Length |
Ø mm | 70mm | 100mm | 125mm | 150mm | 175mm | 200mm | 225mm | 230mm | 250mm | 275mm | 285mm | 300mm | 310mm | 400mm |
0.6 | 914204 | 914205 | 914701 | 914206 | 914721 | 914741 | 914207 | 914821 | 914761 | 914781 | 914841 | 914208 | 914801 | 914861 |
0.8 | 914101 | 914102 | 914702 | 914103 | 914722 | 914742 | 914104 | 914822 | 914762 | 914782 | 914842 | 914134 | 914802 | 914862 |
0.9 | 914108 | 914109 | 914703 | 914110 | 914723 | 914743 | 914111 | 914823 | 914763 | 914783 | 914843 | 914135 | 914803 | 914863 |
1 | 914114 | 914115 | 914704 | 914116 | 914724 | 914744 | 914117 | 914824 | 914764 | 914784 | 914844 | 914136 | 914804 | 914864 |
1.1 | 914120 | 914121 | 914705 | 914122 | 914725 | 914745 | 914123 | 914825 | 914765 | 914785 | 914845 | 914137 | 914805 | 914865 |
1.2 | 914125 | 914126 | 914706 | 914127 | 914726 | 914746 | 914128 | 914826 | 914766 | 914786 | 914846 | 914138 | 914806 | 914866 |
1.4 | 914130 | 914131 | 914707 | 914132 | 914727 | 914747 | 914133 | 914827 | 914767 | 914787 | 914847 | 914139 | 914807 | 914867 |
1.5 | 914129 | 914143 | 914708 | 914140 | 914728 | 914748 | 914141 | 914828 | 914768 | 914788 | 914848 | 914142 | 914808 | 914868 |
1.6 | 914144 | 914145 | 914709 | 914146 | 914729 | 914749 | 914147 | 914829 | 914769 | 914789 | 914849 | 914148 | 914809 | 914869 |
1.8 | 914153 | 914149 | 914710 | 914150 | 914730 | 914750 | 914151 | 914830 | 914770 | 914790 | 914850 | 914152 | 914810 | 914870 |
2 | 914154 | 914155 | 914711 | 914156 | 914731 | 914751 | 914157 | 914831 | 914771 | 914791 | 914851 | 914158 | 914811 | 914871 |
2.2 | 914164 | 914165 | 914712 | 914166 | 914732 | 914752 | 914167 | 914832 | 914772 | 914792 | 914852 | 914168 | 914812 | 914872 |
2.3 | 914174 | 914175 | 914713 | 914176 | 914733 | 914753 | 914177 | 914833 | 914773 | 914793 | 914853 | 914178 | 914813 | 914873 |
2.5 | 914184 | 184.185 | 914714 | 914186 | 914734 | 914754 | 914187 | 914834 | 914774 | 914794 | 914854 | 914188 | 914814 | 914874 |
3 | 914194 | 184.195 | 914715 | 914196 | 914735 | 914755 | 914197 | 914835 | 914775 | 914795 | 914855 | 914198 | 914815 | 914875 |
3.5 | 914214 | 914213 | 914716 | 914216 | 914736 | 914756 | 914217 | 914836 | 914776 | 914796 | 914856 | 914218 | 914816 | 914876 |
2.8 | 914234 | 914235 | 914717 | 914236 | 914737 | 914757 | 914237 | 914837 | 914777 | 914797 | 914857 | 914238 | 914817 | 914877 |
3.2 | 914244 | 914245 | 914718 | 914246 | 914738 | 914758 | 914247 | 914838 | 914778 | 914798 | 914858 | 914248 | 914818 | 914878 |
3.8 | 914254 | 914255 | 914719 | 914256 | 914739 | 914759 | 914257 | 914839 | 914779 | 914799 | 914859 | 914258 | 914819 | 914879 |
4 | 914264 | 914265 | 914720 | 914266 | 914740 | 914760 | 914267 | 914840 | 914780 | 914800 | 914860 | 914268 | 914820 | 914880 |
Our excellent product range has enabled us to receive essential accreditations, such as CE mark, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016 and more. Biotech has received these certifications owing to our stringent focus on patients’ well-being. We even finalize our raw materials after a through vendor audit, nevertheless retaining reasonable prices on the materials.