DHS / DCS & Hip Plates

DHS Locking Plate 38mm Barrel

We are leading Manufacturer & Exporter of DHS Locking Plate 38mm Barrel. We are exporting DHS Locking Plate 38mm Barrel to various countries like Mexico, South Africa, Mozambique, Sudan, Senegal, Namibia, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya etc. 

Category Name DHS / DCS & Hip Plates
Raw Material Used SS 316L & Titanium
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Technical Specification

No. of Code SS Code SS Code SS Code SS Code SS Code Titanium Code Titanium Code Titanium Code Titanium Code Titanium
Holes 130° 135° 140° 145° 150° 130° 135° 140° 145° 150°
2 EL933001 EL933022 EL933042 EL933052 EL933062 T-EL933001 T-EL933022 T-EL933042 T-EL933052 T-EL933062
3 EL933002 EL933023 EL933043 EL933053 EL933063 T-EL933002 T-EL933023 T-EL933043 T-EL933053 T-EL933063
4 EL933004 EL933024 EL933044 EL933054 EL933064 T-EL933004 T-EL933024 T-EL933044 T-EL933054 T-EL933064
5 EL933005 EL933025 EL933045 EL933055 EL933065 T-EL933005 T-EL933025 T-EL933045 T-EL933055 T-EL933065
6 EL933006 EL933026 EL933046 EL933056 EL933066 T-EL933006 T-EL933026 T-EL933046 T-EL933056 T-EL933066
7 EL933007 EL933027 EL933047 EL933057 EL933067 T-EL933007 T-EL933027 T-EL933047 T-EL933057 T-EL933067
8 EL933008 EL933028 EL933048 EL933058 EL933068 T-EL933008 T-EL933028 T-EL933048 T-EL933058 T-EL933068
9 EL933009 EL933029 EL933049 EL933059 EL933069 T-EL933009 T-EL933029 T-EL933049 T-EL933059 T-EL933069
10 EL933010 EL933030 EL933050 EL933060 EL933070 T-EL933010 T-EL933030 T-EL933050 T-EL933060 T-EL933070
12 EL933012 EL933032 EL933051 EL933061 EL933072 T-EL933012 T-EL933032 T-EL933051 T-EL933061 T-EL933072
14 EL933014 EL933034 - - EL933073 T-EL933014 T-EL933034 - - T-EL933073
16 EL933016 EL933036 - - EL933074 T-EL933016 T-EL933036 - - T-EL933074
18 EL933018 EL933038 - - EL933075 T-EL933018 T-EL933038 - - T-EL933075
20 EL933020 EL933040 - - EL933076 T-EL933020 T-EL933040 - - T-EL933076
22 EL933021 EL933041 - - EL933077 T-EL933021 T-EL933041 - - T-EL933077
Biotech’s Certifications

Our excellent product range has enabled us to receive essential accreditations, such as CE mark, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016 and more. Biotech has received these certifications owing to our stringent focus on patients’ well-being. We even finalize our raw materials after a through vendor audit, nevertheless retaining reasonable prices on the materials.